SuperGenPass: Keyboard Shortcut

Earlier today, I wrote about the fantastic bookmarklet, SuperGenPass; a great tool for generating secure, random and site-specific passwords with an additional two-clicks added to your login process. However, as noted in my previous post, two more clicks is not the ideal solution, at least not for me. I have detailed below the steps to implement a keyboard shortcut for SuperGenPass to reduce the effort down from two clicks to zero.

What you need (requirements)

  1. Using the handy bookmarklet builder at the SGP homepage, generate a bookmarklet for Firefox with the option to “Enter your master password each time, but use a hash to verify it” and your preferred number of characters.
  2. Add the generated bookmarklet to your bookmark toolbar.
  3. Right click on SGP and click properties, copy the SGP code (starting with ‘javascript:’) into your favorite text editor.
  4. Do a Find & Replace All.
    Find: .blur Replace: .focus This will ensure that no added clicks will have to be added into your login procedure (i.e., you will press your keyboard shortcut and then ‘Enter’ to login, rather than having to click the ‘Login’ button)
  5. Copy your modified code back into the ‘Location’ field of the bookmark properties
  6. Assign a ‘Keyword’ to the bookmarklet (e.g., sgp) and remember this keyword
  7. Install the Keyconfig extension
  8. Type about:config into your address bar and hit ‘Enter’
  9. Right click on the config screen and create a New >> String
  10. For the preference name enter: keyconfig.main.xxx_key__SGP BOOKMARK KEYWORD
  11. For the string value enter: meta][][][if(window.loadURI) loadURI(getShortcutOrURI('SGP BOOKMARK KEYWORD',{}));
  12. In the Firefox menu Tools >> Keyconfig find the name of the bookmark keyword you just added.
  13. Assign a keyboard shortcut.
  14. Restart Firefox.
  15. Choose a site that you wish to test your new bookmarklet (e.g.,
  16. Open your account preferences and select the ‘Change Password’ function.
  17. Type in your master password (as set on the bookmarklet generator page) into the ‘Current Password’ text box and execute your keyboard shortcut. The text boxes (Current, New, Confirm) will turn green, indicating that they have been populated with the password as generated by SGP.
  18. In the ‘Current Password’ box, type in your current password (leaving the ‘New’ and ‘Confirm’ boxes alone and submit the changes.

Next time you go to the site to login, type in your master password, execute your keyboard shortcut, and press enter. Voila!

2 Replies to “SuperGenPass: Keyboard Shortcut”

  1. Next update to SGP will be to change blur to focus (can’t remember what my original logic was there) and auto-populate even if you aren’t using a hash to verify. That should make SGP max 1-click in all situations even without a keyboard shortcut.

    All good points here. Thanks.

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